As your eCommerce web site matures and your Online business grows, you will inevitably want to make changes. Additions and deletions are common maintenance tasks applied to text, images, sound, and various media types throughout your web site.
Changes to the structure, functionality, and services of your eCommerce website are considered Upgrades and Updates. Web sites benefit from more than the gained functionality, as they demonstrate quality and growth.
As programming languages mature, they become refined and drop inefficient components. The "old" language is called "Deprecated Code" and this can cause your web applications to simply stop working. Removing deprecated code is a less frequent, but important type of web site maintenance.
The PHP Kemist remains up-to-date with the latest versions of PHP & MySQL. We perform code deprecation repair and code reviews for both deprecation and web security. Our web programming style minimize the time and cost for all forms of web site maintenace.