External Penetration Security Testing -
Explore your network and servers from the hackers' points of view.. from the outside.
Internal Penetration Security Testing - If a hacker can penetrate your network from the outside, or an internal employee gets grumpy, you need to know the health of your network from the inside too.
Website Vulnerability Testing and Exploit Analysis - The vast majority of network intrusions and security exploits are the result of vulnerabilities wrtten into the code of websites by poor programmers.
PHP Security Code Reviews - Finding vulnerabilities in your PHP website and eCommerce business is through comprehensive code reviews. Although many security vulnerabilties are discovered from external penetration testing, many can only be discovered from direct code inspection.
MySQL Database Security Testing - Your database may be the keys to your business and it deserves special attention. If you store sensitive data in a database, you must take strong measures to assure its definite and persistent protection.
Web Server Security Testing - Some web servers are secure by default, some are not. From LINUX to Apache to Microsoft we find they all become vulnerable when serving bad web programs.
Wireless Network Security Testing - Wireless network printers, wireless enabled servers, or network users unaware that their wireless computers are vulnerable, they all create potential security vulnerabilities, even from outside your building.